What the scale says...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Won Ton treaty

Some of you might remember my post last month about the The Chinese Food Incident and how I lost total control over my portions resulting in a not so happy tummy ache. It was simply a result of eating with my eyes over my brain !! I think this is still one of the hardest things that I have to face almost on a daily basis when contemplating my portions. It was much easier to deal with this issue pre-band because I just ate and ate and then when I thought I was done but had just 2 spoonfuls of yummy goodness left on the plate I ate that too !!!
Fast forward to post band and this dilemma isn't as easily resolved and it is a constant mental struggle that I need to reteach myself everyday !!! I guess it is part of making peace with the idea that food while its okay to enjoy is still just a means of sustenance. The old adage that we eat to live not live to eat rings as true as ever !!
If I examine many of the things that I had to reteach myself to do properly post-band this is my area of hardest work ahead. While it is true that I am not running rampant like a kid through a candy store I must still learn to take a breath and really ask myself if that extra tablespoon of rice is truly what I want ? This nowadays more important than ever considering my fill level. that extra spoon of rice while heaven in my mouth can translate into awful pains later that night.
So the point to this post is that what I am doing to mindfully watch my portions is simply going back to the basics and yes pulling out the measuring cups until I get this right. So my Won Ton Treaty simply is that I will allow myself to have my oh-so-delicious chinese food but will measure out a 1/2 cup of rice, and a dumpling and 2 shrimps to make up the other half. I will chew thoroughly and put down the chop sticks in between. But most importantly I will listen to my band and shut out the jealous fat girl that still lives in my brain !! ( I think I should name her...any ideas?)

On another note..I hit a major goal this week thanks to my latest fill and the extra day on liquids. I have officially reached 75 lbs lost !!! I have now lost over a 1/4 of the body weight that I started with at 27.6% gone. SO EXCITED !!!


Anonymous said...

I think the treaty sounds like a great idea. It's not worth the stomach pain. After my super PB from Chinese one night and PB from left over Chinese the next night I am giving it up for a little while. Pain beats out craving. Going back to basics sounds like a great idea too!

Kristin said...

SEVENTY-FIVE! Congratulations, that's bigtime.

I have a lot of trouble with portion sizes and wanting to eat past the point of satiety. I think the way to go is what Sally recommends - serve a tiny portion and then put half of it back. I'll let you know when I get that hang of that. ;)

THE DASH! said...

Almost nine months out, I still do this. I only put about a cup in my little bandit bowl but I find I can't eat it all - and it sucks - especially if it's say Thai Red Curry and rice like last night... I wanted mooooooore.......

Girl Bandit said...

What a wonderful milestone...congrats!!! I can feel so disppointed when I am full after a few bites...my head say 'not fair...I was enjoying that' so I will be interested to see how you go

Lap Band Groupie said...

75 is awesome...CONGRATS!!! Our eyes are always bigger than our pouches...it's a tough lesson I'm still learning!

carla said...

75 lbs is awesome!!! What a milestone

Colls said...

Congrats on the 75 lb lose - that is great! I hope you are feeling better since your little pea soup incident!

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