First of I want to thank all these incredible women that took this challange with me and it is because of them that it was a great success !! Yes, this band is great and wonderful and a god send with the kit and caboodle attached but the real magic happens when you meet a great group of people who accept you, understand you and are there for your every ran, rave, dissapointment and victory. You guys are the reason this works and you guys are the reason that 2010 will be a historical year for many many people who had lost all hope. So give yourselves a great big hug because you are the reason we all are the biggest losers !!!
I had commented with last weeks results that I was not counting myself in for the running of the challenge winner. I have received so much already that just having the group of you is more than I thought I was going to get from this whole journey, so the winner of the gift certificate for this first FFC biggest loser challenge is...... LINDA !!! With a total weight loss of 18.1 lbs in 10 weeks !!! Congratulations Linda you did GREAT !!! Make sure to send me an email so that I can get your gift certificate out to you soon !! I realized something when I was putting together the final numbers that as a group we did something completely spectacular....adding up all the pounds shredded during these 10 weeks, we as a group loss a combined 103.7 lbs !!!! That is just freaking amazing...ladies take a bow you did a phenomenal job !!!!
So that being said anyone up for a Valentines day challenge ?? If you'd like to participate please email me mrscutecuban@gmail.com and if I get a good response I'll post the details. Or if you have any ideas for another type of challenge please let me know I am always up for a healthy dose of competition to get my butt moving !!!
count me in, i need good kick in the booty :)
i want to do the valentine's challenge as well!
Thanks Jacquie, this was fun! Congrats to all who participated and great job!
I want to be the sponsor of the Valentine's Day
challenge, please! If you keep the tally I will award the gift certificate ;).
Of course I am in for the VDay challenge!
I am in for the next challenge, I sent you an email as well.
BTW, you look super sassy in that red dress!
Awesome plan...let's do it! Count me in. I will send an email shortly.
That's so amazing the group lost over a hundred pounds.
Totally in for the V-day challenge lady. Congrats to all of you amazing ladies!!
Great job girls!!!!!!!! 100 pounds..... that's one whole skinny bitch :)
I'm totally IN for a VD challenge ;)
We all rock! We averaged over 10 pounds a week.
I'm in for the vday challenge. If you want I can tally so you can participate(since you should have won this one). Maybe the winner of the last should tally the next one so it's fair.
I'll send you an email to discuss.
Wow! You girls did an amazing job.. over 100 pounds between you shed. Love this idea. It's a total group effort and you all spur one another on. CONGRATS!!!!!
Thanks so much for putting this on!
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