What the scale says...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Me too..I have an NSV !!

So I got such wonderful comments about the hair that I decided to make it permanent !! tomorrow I am getting the brazilian keratin straightening done and I am so excited !! I know the hair is just part of it but I cant help walking around feeling so damn sexy !! Seriously I cant remember when I felt this good about myself and you know what.... I like it...I like it ALOT !! and so does the hubby ( I know I know..TMI !! LMAO !!!)
I also cant believe that it's been 5 months and how much my life has radically changed in such a short time. I remember not wanting to read the post on LBT about how the band didn't work for this person and how they didn't lose any weight or how they had to have it removed because they were vomiting all the time because they couldn't stop eating..etc etc. I was sooo afraid that I wasn't going to be able to do this and that I was doomed forever to be the unhappy fat girl who couldn't breath after going up a flight of stairs. But yet here I am , feeling like a million bucks literally !! I am not the thinnest Ive been but I know that I am the healthiest I've ever been and the most assertive and confident about myself than ever before. My body is changing every month and yes the smaller sizes are a HELL of a reward and a make me do my happy bootie shake dance in the mirror, but I think to me the biggest reward I've gotten and the best NSV so far is that I found myself again..I found the happy Jacquie again and this time she's here to stay !!!


Elliana said...

That is so awesome Jacquie. You really inspire me. I could just envision you smiling while you were sharing about how great you feel. You really have accomplished a great deal in a short time...enjoy every minute of it...it can only get even better:-)

I must apologize for totally forgetting to send in my Sunday weight. Is it too late to do so? Mommy brain strikes again. If only I could get some sleep...

THE DASH! said...

Oh this is so great to hear.. GO YOU! A new hairstyle can make you feel a million bucks and yours obviously does. Love that your hubby feels the same lol

Gen said...

YES! I know just how you feel. The greatest achievement is getting back your self and the joy in life.

You are totally inspiring and a role model for us all!

Anonymous said...

I am with you sister!!! It feels so good to NOT be depressed about the way I look and feel every single day. I think it makes your spirit lighter as well as your body. Congrats to you, you are doing so great!!

The Former Fat Girl said...

Awww..you guys are gonna get me all emotional !!!
I love you guys !!!

Elliana..yes please email me your weight for this week and make sure you remeber on sunday to send me your weight. send it to mrscutecuban@gmail.com

Kristin said...

I LOVE hearing how well you're doing. Keep feeling great, and be sure to post pics of the new hair!

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